Thursday 2 April 2015

what i think about my english class

What I think about my English class Is for the first time I came to KPTM I know I will be going the English classes and I imagine when I in English class I will be speak with lecturer and friend in English I feel so worried because I'm not really good In English. But i guess i was wrong because my lecturer are so understanding that some of their student have a same situation with me. She said no matter how hard we're trying to say at least we must try. This class recall us on what we had learn since we're in school bench. The class usually will be in morning, so it was a hard time when we had to wake up early in the morning. So our mood will probably be on swing. What is so good about being in this english class is , madam Jet will cheers us up. She will make us laugh and she make our day better. Beside that, Madam ask  us to speak in english,she said be confident with ourself. Forget about what people going to say. As long as we have the confident with us, everything will seem to be very easy and people tend to think that we'r good enough. Madam always offered us to volunteer to read a passage to improve our pronunciation. She will correct us if we make a mistake.During the class, madam are not being so strict with us, she often give us a space for us to do anything like eating some chocolate or candy and listen to some music when we are about to do our exercise. But, in the same time madam were really mind about being punctual to the class. Class will be so much great when madam start to talk about her favourite actor Zul Ariffin. It was so much fun being in this english class. 

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Studying Abroad

Many student choose to study abroad nowadays. The main reason they do that is they want to experience foreign culture. Here, i would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages studying abroad.

The first advantage is, we can experience the foreign culture. Every culture has their own unique culture. For example, the Americans usually have a voracious appetite and the food old in their restaurants is sizeable. Therefore, students who studying abroad can be exposed to difference cultures.

Beside that, we can brush  up our English especially our spoken English. We must speak English in daily life in foreign countries in order to communicate with the foreigners. Beside, we can learn native English without accent.

As seen above, there are obviously benefits of studying abroad. But, there are also some drawbacks.

The first disadvantage is that it is difficult to us to comfort ourself into the new community. We might not get along well with the foreign neighbour or classmates because of difference language and cultures. Some student wants to make friends, but studying abroad might be counterproductive.

Another disadvantage is that we may be influenced by the culture there. For instance, we may take up the habit of drinking alcohol or get hooked on drugs. Without family’s supervisiom, we will easily affected by our friends.

In conclusion, studying abroad has its pros and cons. Student should be able to weigh the effects of their choice. Whether it is overseas or local, students should remember their initial goal; to study and succeed in their life.

Thursday 26 March 2015

What Can I Do To Make My Country A Better Place To Live.

It’s no news showing that we have problem in our country that need to be fixed. But then, we keep complaing  about everything in our country. We blame the government and the system and finish off saying that the situation is unfixable. How about we stop the ‘blaming-each-other’ game and try to do a little bit change for our country. After all, it starts with you. Here are some tips that we can practice to make our county a better place to live.

First of all, as a responsible citizen, i’ll start by raising awareness  in nature preservation and common sense in my community. Everyday , we’ll heard about the forest around us being destroyed. Animals lose their habitats and natural ecosystem is interrupted. Even though we live around the nature, but then we still destroying it. Floods, earthquake and global warming are nature’s way of warning us. Therefore, i’ll raise awareness in my community and by that i hope that everyone will start realizing that they need to do something. I believe, in a few years the action that these people take will save our county and our live much more better.

Secondly, be a good neighbour. At first, this may seem pointless but being a good neighbour to each other gives us a sense of community. All of us are so engrossed in our lives till some people don’t even know the name of the people living next to their door! When you were in trouble, the people who lives closest to you who can help. In case if you didn’t even know who your neighbour, then how you want to ask for help from them?

Another way to really mke the world a better place to live is, to reduce the negative thinking you have on the world around you and helps to preserve the planet for the next generation. Be consistent about recycling, reduce the waste product. If you really want to help you local environment, buy and install local solar panels for your home and switch to public transport,  a bike or an electric vehicle.

The conclusion is,  we shape our lives on this earth. so it is our responsibility as citizens to maintain cleanliness and security of the country to be more comfortable to live in. Notice how your happiness and well-being are interconnected with other people and the natural environment.

Thursday 19 March 2015

my father

My father, a man In my life.
Father, is someone who take care of us, feed us, the one that provide a place for us to stay. If He's the one that will protect us, in any situation even if he had to sacrifice himself for his children sake. My father, he's the best man I ever met. He only show us the love in his eye even when he was tired for work.  He never complaint of anything to us as a children, to him, his children only have to focus on the study.
So he put all burden on him. To him, his children are priority. How hard the situation is , how often he had to sacrifice his nap time, that wasn't a problem as long as his children didn't have to face a hard time. How noble your heart dad ! Have you ever imagine if you were staying with a superhero like a batman, superman or spiderman ? You must be thinking it would be so much fun and so secured being at home. To me, my father is better than the superhero. My father, he is an ordinary person with no superpower in him but still, he still can protect us as a children. He will be there whenever I need him. He make me feel secured. And you should know your father was the best protector for you. He won't let you feel scared. He won't let anything from bothering you. So , when a people ask me who my superhero is, my answer will be him. My father. My mom said if I want a find a husband, find someone like my father. As their daughter, I really know the reason for what mom said. Just to strongly confirm for the reason, I then ask her why. 'your dad is the most faithful person in love ". That what my mom said. Know why? My dad said he would bring his love for my mom until he died. And he hold to his promise.  I lost my father when i was 16 years old. And he was only 44 years old that time.I was so sad that time. I don't even know how's my life without him since I was the closest children with him. But, Allah knows better. What mom said was true. That's what he mean when he said he will bring his love towards my mother until his last breath. He's really faithful lover. So I was hoping I can find a men if not exactly at least a little thing that same like my father to be my life partner. He had gone for about 4 years, but the memory with him just like it was yesterday I saw his smile, I have to be strong for my mom, and for the other since that was abah last wish. I know someday I will probably meet him again. Until then, I just want him to know that I was carrying his wish and I will make him proud of me. That my promise. Thank you abah for your sacrifice. Thank you for everything you do. I love you my superhero ! ;')

Thursday 12 March 2015

my favourite lecturer in KPTM kuantan

Every student has their own favourite lecturer in their life.  As I am the student for the first semester,I also have a favourite lecturer of my own . His name  is Sir.Ahmad Hadi B. Ibrahim. He teaches Fundamental Of Management in my class.The reason of me liking him was because of the way he teaches and guides us.

He always makes sure we understood every words he was saying. He was so worried if we did not understand what he was teaching in front. I also like how he use the enviroment as an example. It is much more easier to understand and learned . Sir Hadi is also a guy with high sense of humor,but he is quite strict with the rules.That's why Sir Hadi is one of my favourite lecturers. 

He always cared about how we dress every time we go to the classes he also reminded us about wearing a formal office suit so we will get use to it in a future. Although, we entered and human resource management studied, he always reminded his student to do a little grooming to look like a human as we entered the human resource management. 

Beside teaching, we also gives useful tips and advice for us in the studies or for our daily life routine such as how to manage our time in studying and to always has time for our self to do routine activities such as hear to music do hobbies jogging and so on. that way I put him on top of the list of my favourite lecturer. If there is a rate of voting our favourite lecturer, I would absolutely vote for him as a favourite lecturer of this month.

Monday 2 March 2015

Living among differences races

Neighbors is define as a person who live near your house. In the accommodation for example, the people who live next, in front or back of your house is still consider as a neighbor. So the neighbor might be from other different races like chinese, malay, or indian. No matter what races your neighbor are, you should have some respect to them. Different races come with different culture, different religious and different way of life. As a people that live in an accommodation, we supposed to be tolerate to each other. Its important for us to understand a little thing about their way of life so that we can avoid from misunderstanding,  and can live in such a harmony surrounding. Living among the different races can bring a benefits to us. Although some might argue about the fact, in my opinion, it is better  to live in with another races than in our races itself. It is because, it helps us to understand and to gain knowledge about others races and their culture. Sometimes, we might talk about something that without we realize it might touch about the others races belief . And they will consider us as a rude or no manners. Worse than that, something it could bring into a fight. When this happen, we surely will not feel secured to be in the accommodation anymore. So, by knowing and gaining our knowledge about this, we at the same time will create a peaceful relation between us and our neighbor. Furthermore, difference races, will have their own celebration day every year.During  Hari raya Aidilfitri for example , we can invite our other races neighbor to come along to our house to celebrate our day. They surely will feel that their presence is appreciate by us and they will absolutely doing the same to us during their celebration day too. We should know that chinese and indian also love our malay traditional food like lemang, ketupat , dodol and rendang. Next, as a good neighbor we should trained ourself to be more caring about our neighbor. We can show this by helping them to have a look on their house when they are not around. This will prevent a crime to happen in our community. Don't be selfish ! So, as a people that love peaceful we should practice a lot of thing in order to lead our life to a harmony life. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

one person that change my life

I was once,  a girl that is always take it easy with everything I do. As a students, when the teachers gave me a task  to do, I always putting of impending tasks to a later time . In other hands, it is procrastination.  my most pleasurable thing that time was having fun with friends. Enjoy all the time without thinking about my responsibilities as a student. As a results, when it come to the day that will reveal my performance as a student in studies, I ended up with nothing but disappointment.With my results, don't even eligible to place myself in any IPTA like my friends do. I lost my father when I was 16 years old. He was killed in an accident after work.Since then, my mother was all I had. She's became everything to me and the other siblings.While she was a mother, she's also a father and the person that we rely on.When I didn't get myself in the university, it was really frustrating moment for my mom.But , she's never given up with me . Although it was a hard time, she still with me, and I never heard her moaning about anything that she had sacrifice to see us succeed. What can I say is, she is so strong and emotionally strong woman that I ever met ! When I was 21 years old, after finished my Pre-University studies, I was offered to furthers my study of Diploma in Human Resource Management In KPTM Kuantan. At the first stage, I was totally object in my mom opinion about sending me there to further my study since I was thinking it might wasted my time that I supposed to further in degree not diploma. But it was my mother option. While I hate the ideas of going there, but she's a mother and I convince myself that the she made the right decision for me. As a mother she, will always wanted her children to be succeed. I manage to coax myself to obey to her words as I always on her opposite site in making a decision and the thing that I disobey, are always goes wrong. So I was thinking this is the time to reclaimed her past disappointment. So now, I'm here as a student of KPTM Kuantan. And I promised to myself that I will make her proud of being my mother. As a children it's my responsibility to make sure she smile and cry for my succeed . So, here, I can conclude that she is the person that change my life. Love you my mom.

Thursday 19 February 2015

early marriage

People nowadays thinks getting married in early ages are good for their relationship and  family. Some might argue that  getting married at the young age are  beneficial in a lot of ways. it is effective in terms of letting two individuals have sufficient room for improvement   to become a successful husband and wife. the higher chance to become successful couple is when a boy or a girl enjoy the chance to understand the partner in a better way, and both of them would have more time to know the habits of each others and develop a better understanding. A young couple remains full of excitement and activeness and they can definitely have better chance to know each other and adopt the habits. According to the religions, islam is a  religions that they can getting married in a young age because in islam 'halal' ( akad nikah) is most important in a relationship between boys and girls. The  young couple who wants married earlier should think about the finance before and after marriage especially the boy get married at early age , he knows that he needs a lot of money and a permanent job to get sufficient finance for the family. Difficulties in finance arise when such a boy is not much educated and limited job opportunities are available. Some study said that a baby from a young couple are having a high IQ than the other baby. So, this will ensure that we will get a better productivity of baby if a lot of couple agreed to settle down in their such an early age. Furthermore, getting married in an early age can decrease the issued of abandoned babies that are regularly happen nowadays. abandoned babies  usually happen when a couple are over goes to a sexual relation and as a result the girl got pregnant but they are afraid to let their parents know about it and they think baby dumping was the best solution. So, by letting them to get married in a proper ways, this will ensure that they will have a responsibility on being a parent.  

Wednesday 18 February 2015

my hobby

Everybody has his or her own hobby. Different people  have their own different way to spend during their leisure. I have my own hobby  such as reading,  sports, playing games, hearing music and many more.

My favorite reading material is  novel. I  started reading novel since i was in form 1.This is because  the school library provided a reading material like novel.So I found out that reading material like novel, magazine,newspaper are easy to find. By reading , we can improve our knowledge. I had always wanted to buy some novel, so I keep some of my pocket money that my parent gave, to bought the novel that I want. My parents buy newspaper everyday, they like reading newspaper because they will know the issue that happened in and outside the country. Beside that,newspaper also provided learning space for us as a student. For those who like sports, newspaper also provided the news about sport world in and outside the country. That's why newspaper are good to every level of age.  

My another hobby is sports.  Sport can lead us to a healthy life. We also obtain  more stamina through sports.Through sports also  body will obtain  more energy and we are not easy to fall sick. Beside that we can spend our leisure with something benefits. I like to play some sport for my weekend with my friend such as netball, bowling and handball. But, in the three option that I have. I prefer netball more than handball and bowling. 

A hobby is special work which a person does. Hobby are activities which help us escape the daily grind life and life to give us pleasure and peace our mind. Hobby help inculcate an appreciation for work rather than driving us away from it.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

The First Entry

13 January 2015 was the first day we know 'this' world.Come from the difference state, difference background, and different age, we are here with the same aim which is the first step of being a  successful individual. Now here we are as a student of  
Kolej Polytech Mara Kuantan (KPTM). Our story begin here. It'll be not complete if the study start without orientation week.So the orientation week successfully aim their main purposed which is for a student to make friends.We've been divided into 10 groups and this is where i begin to know syiera. She suddenly greet me and ask how old i am. we started to make a conversation and know each other .the next day after the orientation week,our first class week begin. we are given a class following our course. the first day in the class, coincidentally I and syiera were in the same class. syiera then, introduce me to her friend farina. she's younger than we both. but that doesn't make a gap between us since farina were just like us. so now, the three of us were together all the time until we met another girl from our class. she's su.It's easy to get along with  Su since we were in the same age. The next day,while waiting for the lecturer to come,the four of us have a chit chat and i notice there's a girl keep on looking at us while smiling.I told the others about the girl. well, i said, she's kind of cute and i am so sure that she's a lot younger than us. After class, we went to the cafe to have something to eat since we had  one hour gap before next class. we bumped with the girl that we saw in the class just now. she look lost and we offered her to come with us to the cafe. she's agreed and from here, we got another one group members in our group. so, now there are 5 of us in the group. we did everything together eventhough we are not in the same room. And here we started to create a new wonderful life as a student and as a teammates in the same time. And we were hoping that this friendship will last long. amin.