Wednesday 11 February 2015

The First Entry

13 January 2015 was the first day we know 'this' world.Come from the difference state, difference background, and different age, we are here with the same aim which is the first step of being a  successful individual. Now here we are as a student of  
Kolej Polytech Mara Kuantan (KPTM). Our story begin here. It'll be not complete if the study start without orientation week.So the orientation week successfully aim their main purposed which is for a student to make friends.We've been divided into 10 groups and this is where i begin to know syiera. She suddenly greet me and ask how old i am. we started to make a conversation and know each other .the next day after the orientation week,our first class week begin. we are given a class following our course. the first day in the class, coincidentally I and syiera were in the same class. syiera then, introduce me to her friend farina. she's younger than we both. but that doesn't make a gap between us since farina were just like us. so now, the three of us were together all the time until we met another girl from our class. she's su.It's easy to get along with  Su since we were in the same age. The next day,while waiting for the lecturer to come,the four of us have a chit chat and i notice there's a girl keep on looking at us while smiling.I told the others about the girl. well, i said, she's kind of cute and i am so sure that she's a lot younger than us. After class, we went to the cafe to have something to eat since we had  one hour gap before next class. we bumped with the girl that we saw in the class just now. she look lost and we offered her to come with us to the cafe. she's agreed and from here, we got another one group members in our group. so, now there are 5 of us in the group. we did everything together eventhough we are not in the same room. And here we started to create a new wonderful life as a student and as a teammates in the same time. And we were hoping that this friendship will last long. amin. 

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