Thursday 19 March 2015

my father

My father, a man In my life.
Father, is someone who take care of us, feed us, the one that provide a place for us to stay. If He's the one that will protect us, in any situation even if he had to sacrifice himself for his children sake. My father, he's the best man I ever met. He only show us the love in his eye even when he was tired for work.  He never complaint of anything to us as a children, to him, his children only have to focus on the study.
So he put all burden on him. To him, his children are priority. How hard the situation is , how often he had to sacrifice his nap time, that wasn't a problem as long as his children didn't have to face a hard time. How noble your heart dad ! Have you ever imagine if you were staying with a superhero like a batman, superman or spiderman ? You must be thinking it would be so much fun and so secured being at home. To me, my father is better than the superhero. My father, he is an ordinary person with no superpower in him but still, he still can protect us as a children. He will be there whenever I need him. He make me feel secured. And you should know your father was the best protector for you. He won't let you feel scared. He won't let anything from bothering you. So , when a people ask me who my superhero is, my answer will be him. My father. My mom said if I want a find a husband, find someone like my father. As their daughter, I really know the reason for what mom said. Just to strongly confirm for the reason, I then ask her why. 'your dad is the most faithful person in love ". That what my mom said. Know why? My dad said he would bring his love for my mom until he died. And he hold to his promise.  I lost my father when i was 16 years old. And he was only 44 years old that time.I was so sad that time. I don't even know how's my life without him since I was the closest children with him. But, Allah knows better. What mom said was true. That's what he mean when he said he will bring his love towards my mother until his last breath. He's really faithful lover. So I was hoping I can find a men if not exactly at least a little thing that same like my father to be my life partner. He had gone for about 4 years, but the memory with him just like it was yesterday I saw his smile, I have to be strong for my mom, and for the other since that was abah last wish. I know someday I will probably meet him again. Until then, I just want him to know that I was carrying his wish and I will make him proud of me. That my promise. Thank you abah for your sacrifice. Thank you for everything you do. I love you my superhero ! ;')

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