Thursday, 19 February 2015

early marriage

People nowadays thinks getting married in early ages are good for their relationship and  family. Some might argue that  getting married at the young age are  beneficial in a lot of ways. it is effective in terms of letting two individuals have sufficient room for improvement   to become a successful husband and wife. the higher chance to become successful couple is when a boy or a girl enjoy the chance to understand the partner in a better way, and both of them would have more time to know the habits of each others and develop a better understanding. A young couple remains full of excitement and activeness and they can definitely have better chance to know each other and adopt the habits. According to the religions, islam is a  religions that they can getting married in a young age because in islam 'halal' ( akad nikah) is most important in a relationship between boys and girls. The  young couple who wants married earlier should think about the finance before and after marriage especially the boy get married at early age , he knows that he needs a lot of money and a permanent job to get sufficient finance for the family. Difficulties in finance arise when such a boy is not much educated and limited job opportunities are available. Some study said that a baby from a young couple are having a high IQ than the other baby. So, this will ensure that we will get a better productivity of baby if a lot of couple agreed to settle down in their such an early age. Furthermore, getting married in an early age can decrease the issued of abandoned babies that are regularly happen nowadays. abandoned babies  usually happen when a couple are over goes to a sexual relation and as a result the girl got pregnant but they are afraid to let their parents know about it and they think baby dumping was the best solution. So, by letting them to get married in a proper ways, this will ensure that they will have a responsibility on being a parent.  

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